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腿上 offers free and confidential clinical services on any issues that cause distress to D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会成员、法官和现任靠谱的滚球平台.C. 法律专业学生. 这些问题可能与工作与生活的平衡有关, 职业压力, 的关系, 悲伤/损失, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 物质使用或更多.


  • Face-to-face clinical assessment, short-term counseling, and referral 资源s
  • Consultation with concerned others, such as employers, colleagues, or family members
  • 志愿者/同侪导师联系
  • 监控

To speak with a 腿上 counselor or schedule an intake appointment call 202-347-3131 or email (电子邮件保护)


绝对! 保密 and respect for privacy are the foundations of the 程序. 的 same therapist–client privilege applies that would for any mental health clinician.

Federal and local law prohibit the disclosure of any information pertaining to 程序 participants, 包括他们的身份. 的 靠谱的滚球平台援助计划 will not disclose any information about lawyers, 法律专业学生, 或向靠谱的滚球平台协会寻求协助的法官, 给任何与靠谱的滚球平台协会有关联的实体, 或者对其他任何人. 腿上 volunteers (a lawyer in recovery providing peer support to other lawyers) are deemed to have lawyer–client confidentiality under Rule 1.D .第6(i)条.C. 职业行为准则.

唯一的例外是:(1)避免严重的, imminent threat to your health or safety or that of another person and (2) to comply with legal obligations such as child abuse and elder abuse. 

What is the 腿上’s relationship with the 纪律大靠谱的滚球平台办公室 (ODC)?

腿上与ODC没有任何关系. 的 腿上 is a confidential and separate 程序 from discipline and the offices themselves are separate from ODC, BPR, 法庭. All communications with 腿上 are completely confidential and will not be disclosed to any person, 机构, or organization without the participant’s explicit written authorization.

How can a legal employer take advantage of the Lawyers Assistance Program?

腿上可以是 资源 在很多方面对合法雇主. 的 腿上 offers management consultation and provides guidance and 资源s when there are concerns about an attorney’s performance or mental health. 腿上 staff also offer consultation to legal employers and 法学院 on best practices to encourage well-being. 

程序 还为公司提供免费的教育演讲, 法官, 非营利组织, 法学院, 及其他有关机构.C. 市区. 的 goal of the presentations is to raise awareness of 腿上 services and the impact that mental health, 物质使用, 福利问题对法律职业也有影响. 项目 can be standardized or specially designed for your group. Some 程序s may qualify for 持续法律教育(CLE) credits.

I don’t have an alcohol or drug problem and I’m not depressed. 我只是压力太大. 腿上能帮忙吗??

的 腿上 offers clinical services related to any problems that impact well-being, 任何领域的压力都值得解决. 的 hope is that attorneys seek help proactively before the problem becomes more serious. Chronic stress can lead to significant physical and mental health issues. 经常和一个中立的人交谈, who can help assess the problem and identify strategies and 资源s, 可以产生影响. 

没有什么问题是微不足道的. 越早得到帮助越好. 没有靠谱的滚球平台在他们的斗争中感到孤独. 请不要犹豫,拨打202-347-3131或发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护).

我很担心一个同事 . . . 我该怎么办呢??

All 腿上 staff are licensed mental health professionals who will gladly consult with you about what actions, 如果有任何, 是必要和适当的. 腿上 staff can provide guidance on effective techniques for communicating your concerns as well as 资源s that may be available for the colleague. 请致电202-347-3131与我们讨论.

 学习如何 提供支持. 知道了 自杀的警告信号

If I seek help while in law school, will it impact my bar admission?

D.C. Court of Appeals 招生委员会 (COA) does not require applicants to divulge information about treatment or counseling for mental health/addiction issues per se. 您的腿上参与将不会报告给COA. If you have specific questions about the character and fitness questions on the application to D.C. 酒吧,请靠谱的滚球平台. 的 ultimate goal of the admissions process is to ensure competence; seeking help for a mental health problem is an argument for competence, 不反对. Remember, there is nothing more important than your health.

As a reminder, all inquiries with the 腿上 are strictly confidential under the law. 腿上不会透露任何识别信息, 没有学生的书面许可, 去法学院, D.C. 酒吧, or anyone else without the student’s explicit permission.

If you have questions about the character and fitness portion of your 酒吧 application, 请拨打保密电话202-347-3131.


如有医疗或精神紧急情况,请拨打9-1-1. If you are having suicidal thoughts or concerned about someone else, dial 9-8-8, for the 自杀 & 危机的生命线. 生命线提供全天候服务, 为遇险人士提供免费和保密的支持, prevention and crisis 资源s for you or your loved ones, 以及美国专业人士的最佳实践.
